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Taunton Young Singer/ Young Music Theatre Singer Competition

Taunton School Staplegrove Road, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

This competition for young singers has been set up by the festival in response to the ever-growing number of entries in the Music Festival. It was also felt that singers should have their own competition and not be judged alongside their instrumental contemporaries as in past Taunton Young Musicians competitions. Competitors are invited to perform… Read More »Taunton Young Singer/ Young Music Theatre Singer Competition

Harmonia Come and Sing Day

Salvation Army Hall, Bridgwater Moorland Road, Bridgwater, Somerset, United Kingdom

Harmonia Chamber Choir invites you to Come and Sing Gabriel Faure Requiem and works by Schubert, Rutter and Whitacre, Saturday 15th March 2025, 10am to 4.00pm at the Salvation Army Hall, Moorland Road, Bridgwater TA6 4JS. £18 including refreshments, bring a packed lunch. New and experienced singers welcome to join our friendly choir to explore… Read More »Harmonia Come and Sing Day


Afternoon Tea Concert: Eric Tebbett Tenor

Taunton Minster (St Mary Magdalene Church) Church Square, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

Eric will sing enjoyable and inspiring music for tenor, accompanied by Miles Quick on organ and piano. £Pay-what-you-can donations to support Taunton Minster.


Taunton Young Musician/ Junior Young Musician Competition

Kings College, Taunton TauntonSouth Road, United Kingdom

The Trustees of the Festival have established a fund, designated to provide prizes for young musicians who have demonstrated outstanding musical ability. Run on competitive lines, the competition aims to assist and encourage musical excellence amongst students living in the Taunton area.

Spring Concert – Sense of the Divine

Milverton Parish Church Parsonage Lane, Milverton, Somerset, United Kingdom

Tea & Cake Available from 3pm! Ave Maria - Robert Parsons Hymn to the Virgin - Benjamin Britten Ave Maria - Anton Bruckner Salve Regina - Fabio Fresi Hymn to the Mother of God - John Tavener Hymne a La Vierge - Pierre Villette When Mary through the garden - Charles Villiers Stanford Magnificat -… Read More »Spring Concert – Sense of the Divine

£9 – £15

HMS Pinafore

Taunton Minster (St Mary Magdalene Church) Church Square, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

Somerset Opera will be performing the popular G&S Show HMS Pinafore. Come along for lots of fun and a great evening out.


St James' Church, Taunton St James Street, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

Taunton Deane Male Voice Choir are performing a concert at St James Church in Taunton in aid of Cancer Research UK. All proceeds going cancer research at Musgrove Hospital.


Taunton Concert Band

Tacchi Morris Arts Center School Rd, Monkton Heathfield, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

A programme of exciting wind band music.

West Somerset Singers Spring Concert – Gabriel Faure’s Requiem

St George's Roman Catholic Church, Taunton Billet Street, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

West Somerset Singers will be performing the ever popular Faure Requiem as well as excepts from the Mozart Requiem and a selection of other pieces include the Benedictus by Arwyn Robat and the Benedictus by Carl Jenkins. This will be held at 7.00pm, Saturday 5th April 2025, in the wonderful surroundings of St Georges Church,… Read More »West Somerset Singers Spring Concert – Gabriel Faure’s Requiem
