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Somerset County Orchestra Concert

St James' Church, Taunton St James Street, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

Beethoven: Fidelio Overture Strauss: Oboe concerto (soloist Izy Cheesman) Brahms: Symphony no 1


The Wilbye Quartet Sing Choral Evensong

St John the Evangelist Church, Taunton Park Street, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

Jane Cresswell - soprano Lynn Carter - alto Roger Bates - tenor Simon Davies - bass Andrew Carter / organ Tea and Cakes will be served after the service.

Blackdowns Early Music Projects – Vespro alla Milanese

St John the Baptist Church, Wellington High Street, Wellington, Somerset, United Kingdom

Double choir Vespers of 1623 by Ignatio Donati with accompanying sackbuts, violins, organ and maybe even a cornetto or two! MD Gawain Glenton, assistant director Emily White, continuo Masumi Yamamoto.

£8.00 – £15

St John’s Lunchtime Concerts, Young Musicians’ Showcase

St John the Evangelist Church, Taunton Park Street, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

Wellington School Students will perform a scintillating showcase of musical talent featuring a group of Award-holding students with a wide range of ages, stages and styles. Concert starts at 12.45pm, Doors open at 12.00pm Collection in aid of the locally based charity, Reminiscence Learning, a Dementia Charity and St John’s Church.


Taunton Speech and Drama Festival

Temple Methodist Church, Taunton Upper High Street Taunton, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

Speech and Drama classes include verse speaking, prepared reading, public speaking, mime, and acting.


Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Jersey Lily by Katie Forgette

Brewhouse Theatre & Arts Centre, Taunton Coal Orchard , Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

The detective genius of Sherlock Holmes meets the wit of Oscar Wilde! When playwright Oscar Wilde brings glamorous actress Lillie Langtry to Baker Street, Holmes and Watson need all their skill and nerve to solve the case and save the crown! Hidden jewels, compromising letters and a criminal mastermind await in this thrilling, fast moving… Read More »Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Jersey Lily by Katie Forgette

Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Jersey Lily by Katie Forgette

Brewhouse Theatre & Arts Centre, Taunton Coal Orchard , Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

The detective genius of Sherlock Holmes meets the wit of Oscar Wilde! When playwright Oscar Wilde brings glamorous actress Lillie Langtry to Baker Street, Holmes and Watson need all their skill and nerve to solve the case and save the crown! Hidden jewels, compromising letters and a criminal mastermind await in this thrilling, fast moving… Read More »Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Jersey Lily by Katie Forgette

Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Jersey Lily by Katie Forgette

Brewhouse Theatre & Arts Centre, Taunton Coal Orchard , Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

The detective genius of Sherlock Holmes meets the wit of Oscar Wilde! When playwright Oscar Wilde brings glamorous actress Lillie Langtry to Baker Street, Holmes and Watson need all their skill and nerve to solve the case and save the crown! Hidden jewels, compromising letters and a criminal mastermind await in this thrilling, fast moving… Read More »Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Jersey Lily by Katie Forgette

Taunton Speech and Drama Festival

Temple Methodist Church, Taunton Upper High Street Taunton, Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

Speech and Drama classes include verse speaking, prepared reading, public speaking, mime, and acting.


Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Jersey Lily

Brewhouse Theatre & Arts Centre, Taunton Coal Orchard , Taunton, Somerset, United Kingdom

The detective genius of Sherlock Holmes meets the wit of Oscar Wilde! When playwright Oscar Wilde brings glamorous actress Lillie Langtry to Baker Street, Holmes and Watson need all their skill and nerve to solve the case and save the crown! Hidden jewels, compromising letters and a criminal mastermind await in this thrilling, fast moving… Read More »Sherlock Holmes and the case of the Jersey Lily